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First Quarter Newsletter 2025

Writer's picture: Beth StenstromBeth Stenstrom

Inquiring Minds Want to Know...

(We do more than just interpretation!)

Volunteers at Work!
Volunteers at Work!

ABT consultant Chuck Laudner and FOWB president Bob Lookabill lend a hand in placing flat stone markers at the Confederate Cemetery in downtown Fredericksburg on Saturday, 2 November. The flat stones correct errors found on the headstones. Photo by Theena Jones.

FOWB volunteers Joe Lafleur and Bob Lookabill repaired a foot bridge on November 1 and 2 at First Day at Chancellorsville. FOWB volunteers Beth Stenstrom, Diane Smith, and Stephanie Bianchi noticed the rotting timbers while walking at First Day and immediately notified Tom Saielli, American Battlefield Trust Land Stewardship Manager. Tom requested volunteer assistance in repairing it, and Joe and Bob took care of it immediately! Safety first! FOWB is honored to be working with the American Battlefield Trust to help steward their properties. Joe and Bob worked hard to ensure that the boards are even and there is no longer a tripping hazard! This photo is still while it is was a work in progress! Photos by Beth Stenstrom and Joe Lafleur.


FOWB volunteers Greg Mertz and Beth Stenstrom gave a presentation to the Mine Run Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) about the Mine Run Campaign on Saturday, November 2, at the Wilderness Baptist Church. Greg talked about the Mine Run Campaign and Beth talked about Friends of Wilderness Battlefield and handed out brochures. The Mine Run Chapter ladies had quite a few questions and were very interested in learning more about the Mine Run Campaign and helping to preserve the battlefield area.

NSDAR Excellence in Community Service Award
by Bob Lookabill, FOWB President

L-R: Beth Stenstrom, First Vice-Regent, Washington-Lewis Chapter, and Susan Wachter, Regent, Washington-Lewis Chapter. Photo by Lori Thayer.

Congratulations to Beth Stenstrom, who was totally surprised and delighted to receive the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution Excellent in Community Service Award at the November Washington-Lewis Chapter joint meeting with the Surgeon Lawrence Brooks Chapter of the Virginia Children of the American Revolution. To qualify for this award, the individual or organization must have contributed to the community in an outstanding manner. This can be through voluntary heroic, civic, or benevolent service, or by organizing or participating in community activities. The achievement must have taken place within the past five (5) years with no compensation.

Beth has been an active member of Friends of Chatham, serving as a board member from 2019 – 2024, active with the Friends of Wilderness Battlefield, serving as a board member for many years (she lost count) and currently serving as the Vice President, a Director and Vice-President of the Fredericksburg Walking Club, a Central Virginia Battlefields Trust Volunteer, and a Volunteer with the American Battlefield Trust. She is currently the First Vice-Regent of the Washington-Lewis Chapter.


2024 Annual Meeting

by Ruth Pavlik, Membership Chair

On Saturday, November 9, 2024, Friends of Wilderness Battlefield held our Annual Meeting at the New Hope Baptist Church in Locust Grove, Orange County, Virginia, an especially appropriate location considering that a nearby earlier New Hope Church structure was the site of a Civil War hospital during the Mine Run Campaign.

Close to 50 members attended, and FOWB President Bob Lookabill presided over the business meeting. He outlined the accomplishments of the past year including:

1) In conjunction with Historic Impressions, Inc., sponsoring a 2-day re-enactment of the Battle of the Wilderness held on the property of Wilderness Run Winery.

2) Additional upkeep of the Payne’s Farm property portion of the Mine Run Battlefield.

3) Having FOWB members on site at Payne’s Farm during the summer to encourage visitors to take the 1.5-mile trail to learn more about the battle site.

4) Awarding a $1,500 scholarship to a local high school student.

5) Helping to defray the travel and lodging expenses for a local teacher’s attendance at the American Battlefield Trust’s Teacher Institute.

6) Explained and promoted the new focus of FOWB.

Treasurer Jeff Slunt reported on the current stable financial condition of FOWB. Jeff was recognized for his seventeen years of service as Treasurer and will be missed in 2025, as he retired from the Board of Directors effective the end of the year.

Governance Committee Chair Pete Kolakowski led the election process, and the following individuals were elected to 3-year Board of Directors terms: Suzanne Baxter, Stephanie Bianchi, Greg Mertz, Ruth Pavlik (all incumbents) and new board member Mike Block.

Following the business meeting, attendees enjoyed a delicious meal prepared by Generals Quarters Catering. After lunch, our guest speaker, Mike Block gave an excellent presentation about the Mine Run Campaign, which included many first-hand accounts from soldiers. The AV equipment quit working, unfortunately, so he couldn't use his visuals, but he did an outstanding job minus microphone and slides anyway!

After the meeting, members returned home with commemorative hand bells which symbolized the important role that New Hope Church played in the beloved Christmas Carol, “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day”. Following the wounding of his son during the Battle of Mine Run and hospitalization at New Hope Church, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was moved to write a poem as his hope was renewed after hearing the church bells ringing in his hometown at Christmas. Those words were put to music several years later and became this favorite Christmas Carol. The carol we hear on the radio today leaves out several verses, which have a direct reference to the horrors of the American Civil War. There is also a movie, made in 2022, called "I Heard the Bells", which tells the story, and we encourage you to watch it when you get a chance. Great American Family played it on cable TV the end of November, and you may purchase the DVD on Amazon.


Thank You, Jeff Slunt!

Jeff has served as the FOWB Treasurer for 17 years, and has decided to move on to other pursuits, although he assures us that he and his wife, Kelli, will continue to be FOWB members and active in our organization. Jeff, you have done an amazing job, and we appreciate you more than you will ever know! We will miss your smiling face at board meetings, but we are sure we will still see you both around! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

Thank You

Lynn McDonald!


Lynn has been a board member for many years and retired off the board effective December 31, 2024. She will continue to be a valuable member of the Communication Committee, and an interpreter out at Payne's Farm. Lynn, thank you so much for your service!


Welcome, Bob Epp!

 Bob is a returning board member and will fill a vacancy for a one-year term from January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2025. Of course, we hope we get to keep him even longer! He has been very active in our organization and offers excellent counsel. You will often see him at various street festivals asking people if they have ancestors who fought in the Civil War. 

Welcome, Mike Block!

 We are pleased to welcome new board member Mike Block to the FOWB Board of Directors, effective January 1, 2025. Mike is a noted historian and the author of the book, The Carnage was Fearful: The Battle of Cedar Mountain, August 9, 1862 (Savas Beatie, 2022). He is also a tour guide with Dare Mark Tour Lines and with the Battlefield Tours of Virginia. We are delighted to have him on board!


Upcoming Events:

Mark Your Calendars Now!


March 8: 5K/10K Race at Payne's Farm

Bishop's Event. Walkers also welcome.

Register Here:


 April 26: Park Day at Payne's Farm

 Note: Separate eblasts will be sent out for these events with more information! 


Did you know?

Making gifts to FOWB during your lifetime:

When you make a gift to Friends of Wilderness Battlefield as a QCD (qualified charitable distribution) from your individual retirement account (IRA) or Roth IRA, you do not pay income taxes on the distribution. Funds gifted from your IRA will NOT subject your Social Security income to higher tax levels and will count toward your annual required minimum distribution (RMD). If you are 73 or older, you can make a gift in 2024 from your IRA up to $105,000 per IRA owner or beneficiary. Contact your tax advisor to determine if this is appropriate for your situation.

Making gifts to FOWB at your death:

Would you like to leave a legacy to Friends of Wilderness Battlefield? A gift through your will, trust, a direct beneficiary designation, or estate is the easiest gift you can make today. You may add a provision in your will or trust designating either a specific amount, a percentage, or all or part of the residue of your estate to FOWB. Bequests provide flexibility in that they allow you to make a gift commitment now by including a provision in your will or trust while preserving the right to make changes at any time in the future should your circumstances change. Certain bequests in trust are not subject to estate taxation. Your assets remain in your control during your lifetime. You can modify your gift to address changing circumstances. It’s a great way to help support the mission of Friends of Wilderness Battlefield.

FoWB, Inc. is 501 (c) (3) Not for Profit Organization.

Tax ID # 42-1689437

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