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Cemetery Marker Replacement

Writer: Beth StenstromBeth Stenstrom

Here is an update from FoWB member Mike Burns....

We had a great Work Day in the cemetery. Our turnout was about 35 folks and they worked their hearts out. We called it a wrap at about 2pm, having run out of airspeed, ideas, energy and ibuprofen all at the same time. Some 100 stones have been placed, with only 25 to go.

The consensus was that we knock out this Mission tomorrow and place these last 25 markers while the weather is good and the digging is easy.

The plan is to gather at 1:00 PM, or 1300 for military folks, and complete the task at hand.

Please come if you can, and spend a few hours in this worthwhile endeavor. And please pass the word to your compatriots as well. We met some wonderful new folks today who were working for the first time on our Project.

Thank you so much! You make a difference!

Mission Accomplished! Here is the second update from our member Mike Burns on the Cemetery Marker replacement weekend!

We placed 100 stones Saturday and the final 25 yesterday! About 35 workers showed up for the heavy lifting Saturday and we made good progress. We ran out of steam after 6-7 hours but vowed to finish the job today. Eight folks were able to muster Sunday and we knocked out the remaining stones in short order. As we were leaving the cemetery at 3:30 the first rain drops started to fall.

Kudos to All Hands, especially those helping us for the first time. Derrell McPherson and Fredericksburg Scout Troop 129 did some serious lifting and toting. The two Seniors from Colonial Forge HS, Isak and Corbin, did a whole lot of Community Service for us. Luke from an SCV Camp near Manassas, worked by himself until dark yesterday, after the rest of us had retreated home.

Our local organizations - FoWB, RVCWRT, CWRTF, SCV, CVBT and LMA all pulled their weight in this endeavor. A special Thanks goes out to Jeannette Hall, Roy Perry, Mike Shepard, Brian Dyer and Thena Jones for pulling things together in this Labor of Love.

We did it. Regards and thanks to all, Mike Burns


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