Meet Our 2025 Board

The FoWB Board of Directors comprises up to fifteen members who are responsible for the business operation and general affairs of the organization. FoWB members in good standing are eligible to be elected to a three-year term.
Board Committees
The FoWB Board of Directors has eight standing committees. Each committee is chaired by a member of the board and comprises both board members and non-board members. If you are an FoWB member and interested in serving on a committee, send us an email by clicking CONTACT and using category ‘President’.
Battlefield Resources: (Chair: Kevin Hunt) Helps steward property owned by the American Battlefield Trust and the Central Virginia Battlefield Trust.
Communications Committee: (Chair: Beth Stenstrom) Responsible for FoWB media relations, press releases, the website and public outreach programs.
Operations Committee: (Chair: Don Shockey) Directs operations including interpretation, interpreter training and housekeeping.
Finance Committee: (Chair: Greg Mertz) Responsible for the financial standards, practices and policies related to FoWB operations.
Governance Committee: (Chair: Pete Kolakowski) Provides assistance and advice to the Board of Directors to maximize efficient management of FoWB.
Heritage Program Committee: (Chair: Bev Ellis) Assists prospective members in tracing their ancestors who fought in the Battle of the Wilderness or one of the battles around the Wilderness area.
Membership Committee: (Chair: Ruth Pavlik) Develops and implements programs to recruit new members and enhance membership benefits.
Program & Special Events Committee: (Chair: Joe Lafleur) Enhances FoWB’s visibility by conducting and sponsoring programs and events that focus on the Battle of the Wilderness, the battlefield area, the Wilderness, the surrounding area and its related history.